Today is Dr. Seuess’s birthday and Read Across America Day.

What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book or story? I love the Sneetches story. I have fond memories of reading that as a child.

“Now the star-bellied Sneetches had bellies with stars. But the plane-bellied Sneetches had none upon thars. Those stars weren’t so big, they were really quite small. You would think such a thing wouldn’t matter at all.”

A powerful tale that teaches about prejudice and acceptance.

Enjoy this video of the Sneetches and share your favorite Dr. Seuss story.

If you’re looking for a new, fun children’s book to read with your little Sneetch tonight, check out my children’s illustrated chapter books, Lexie World and Bella World. No Sneetches, but you will find unicorns, dragons, garbage goblins, beautiful illustrations and important life lessons for readers young and old.

Happy Read Across America Day!