Dear Cheryl,
That’s your name, according to this article, though you refuse to give your last name. I don’t blame you. If I was going to do such a douchebag thing as give out fat-shaming, emotionally damaging letters to innocent kids, I’d hide my identity too. The thing is, I consider myself to be an intelligent, even-tempered person of reason. I respond thoughtfully and reflectively to triggering topics such as the debate between Bella and Katniss, or the recent controversy about the “What’s Your Excuse?” meme, but I cannot even begin to understand or justify what you plan on doing tonight.
Instead, I’m going to point out why what you’re doing is an absolute asshole move, how it will have a NEGATIVE impact on the cause you claim to care about, and what you could do, and should do, that could actually make a positive, life-affirming difference for all the children who come ringing your doorbell tonight. (And I’m going to swear a lot while doing it. I don’t normally swear much on these blogs, but I’m making an exception for this, because FUCK YOU.)
Let me first start by saying that I would actually love if people stopped giving out candy on Halloween. We try to be really healthy at our house. Our kids are healthy and likely wouldn’t be targeted by your fat shaming bullshit. But we don’t want them having enough candy to feed a small country for a year. However, they love trick-or-treating, so we have worked out a deal with them. They get to trick-or-treat, and they get to eat a few pieces of their candy, then they ‘donate’ the rest to the Sugar Fairy (a little game we play), and in exchange, they get a fun book they’ll really enjoy. That way, they get to dress up and enjoy the night of going door to door, without a week’s worth of stomach aches and sugar highs.
Since one of our daughters has a lot of food allergies, this is also an issue for her, as she can’t eat a lot of what she gets anyways.
Let me also say that we don’t give out candy. We bought a bulk bag of fun treat-sized Halloween toys at an online store for cheap, and we’ll be handing those out to ALL the kids who come to our door, not because any of them are ‘moderately obese’ or because we have the right to judge any child’s health by looking at them, but because we know how hard it is to work with food allergies and diet restrictions, and we want all the kids who come to our house to get something they can enjoy on this fun holiday.
So, first, let’s talk about how your plan is an EPIC FAIL.
1. You’re not telling them anything they don’t already know.
I can guarantee you that the kids who get your fucked up, bitchy, bullying letter already know they have a weight issue. They don’t need your nosy ass telling them. So, you’re not really doing them any favors with this one.
2. This will scar them for LIFE.
These kids will NEVER FORGET the bitch who gave them that letter that made them cry ALL NIGHT LONG and ruined their Halloween. They will carry it with them forever, and that kind of shame doesn’t usually motivate people toward healthier choices. In point of fact, it often has the opposite effect. Likely, your letter will inspire more binge candy eating from depressed kids, than if you had just given them a candy bar and a smile and called it a night.
3. You can’t judge a person’s health by their size.
You’re making a fucking big and WRONG assumption that kids who look ‘moderately obese’ (and I’m sure you’re trained to determine this and have all the tools handy to test them before punishing them with your letter?) are going to be the most unhealthy or most adversely affected by a sugar high. Not so. Those kids could be healthier than their thinner counterparts for a variety of reasons, and giving candy to the kids you deem thin enough won’t do them any favors either. Sugar is bad for all of us, regardless of size.
4. Studies show that positive messages are more powerful and effective than negative messages.
What you claim to want to happen won’t actually happen this way. As noted above, you’re creating the opposite impact.
What you SHOULD be doing instead.
Now that we’ve talked about your epic failures as a human being, let’s talk about what you could be doing instead.
1. Offer healthy alternatives to ALL kids
Want to promote healthier eating habits? You think it takes a village to keep the village children healthy? Then offer healthy treats to EVERYONE! Get boxes of raisins or nuts or little baggies of carrots and hand those out instead. You can even include a note that says “Here’s to a healthy, happy Halloween.” See there? You did something positive and healthy without SCARRING THE PSYCHES OF INNOCENT CHILDREN.
2. Go non-food with your treats
Don’t want to deal with food? Try non-food treats. Mini toothbrushes and toothpaste, if you want to win the hearts of local dentists. Or do what we did and stock up on little Halloween toys. They weren’t more expensive than candy and work great for trick-or-treating. Again, include a POSITIVE note if you want to, but keep it friendly and targeted to ALL CHILDREN coming to your door.
3. Incapable of playing nice? Turn off your fucking lights and don’t give out anything.
This is a valid alternative. If you can’t play nice, then don’t play at all. Make a statement by not saying a word. GO AWAY. Nobody wants your self-righteous fat shaming for their kids. The parents you claim you want to send a message to are NOT GOING TO APPRECIATE your letter at all. Seriously, woman, have you ever MET A PARENT of a child? If I got this letter, firstly, it likely wouldn’t be the first time I’d noticed my child had some potential health issues, so again, you wouldn’t be telling me anything I didn’t already know. But I can guarantee you that if you shamed my child this way, there would be HELL TO PAY.
4. If you ARE going to send a note to trick-or-treaters, make sure it’s spelled correctly and has correct grammar.
This is shameful. How could you subject our children to this mess of a note? Do you NOT CARE about their literary health? About literacy in general? Do we want to raise STUPID children, even if they are all thin because of your valiant efforts to single-handedly stop obesity? (Because I’m sure that one candy bar that little Tommy DOESN’T get from you will be the VERY THING to make him the ‘perfect weight.’)
From a quick glance at your letters, you are missing several critical commas, you abused a semi-colon in a shameful way, and you used an incorrect word in one instance. It was so bad, in fact, that all the news outlets reporting on this story had to add a (sic) to your quote, so readers would know THEY didn’t fuck up the spelling, that it was all you. If you’re going to be a bitch, at least get the spelling right, okay?
And I’d like to add a note here to those who think what you’re doing is swell and dandy and just what this country needs to get rid of all those fat kids. To you people, FUCK OFF. Firstly, obesity and weight issues are complex. It is NOT just a matter of eating right and exercise for most people. Genetics, disease, food allergies and a million other things plays a HUGE part in it. Two kids can eat and play exactly the same and one can have weight issues and the other not. Stop making moral judgments on people because of their size. You have no right. NONE WHATSOEVER. Being overweight is not a moral failing. It does NOT make a person bad, or lazy, or stupid or anything else. That is a cultural judgement that is absolutely RIDICULOUS!
I’m not saying we shouldn’t safeguard the health of our children or ourselves. We obviously take the health of our children very seriously and work hard to nourish them appropriately, but there are a lot of factors at play in someone’s body that make it impossible for you to make instant judgments about them based on how they look.
So again I will say FUCK OFF. Mind your own damn business and let these parents raise their children as they see fit.
There are a lot of things we can do to make eating healthier and handling health issues easier for parents. Shaming kids on Halloween is NOT ONE OF THEM.
*rant over*
You know me, most of you anyways. You know I am usually positive and even-tempered. You know I care about people, especially kids, and give people the benefit of the doubt. But this letter, this woman’s mission, is so dangerous, that I had to speak out in a way I normally do not. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments below. And by the way, we judge NO ONE for giving candy to their child. Because of our unique health situations, we’ve chosen to minimize this particular tradition, but that is our choice for our family and not something we judge others for. Celebrate in whatever way brings you most joy, love and happiness (and spooky scares!) this Halloween.
A fuckin men!!!! Well said kimberly.if some b**** sent this home with my kid I’d be knocking on her door
Yeah, so would I!
I’d make her write an apology letter to my child, then I’d make her edit it.
Oh my. I can’t imagine this disgusting, vile woman having even a sliver of a heart in her chest. How evil do you have to be to give someone else’s child shit like this? Ugh. I am so done with people. Rest assured that if I EVER saw a note like this in my child’s candy stash, I would hunt down the ill-tempered author and share a few (more than a few, really) choice words with them when my children weren’t around. Then I would frame that pile of shit and use it as a tool in helping me teach my children about positive body image and how they should never take unkind words like these seriously!
Yeah, her note is pretty horrible! 🙁
Great job! I was so incensed by the initial letter. My son is grown but if I would have received a letter like this to him or any of his friends I would have retaliated with plenty of TP and eggs and a bunch of finger wagging.
Your suggestions are spot on to what we have been discussing in my Facebook post about this same subject.
Thank you!
Loved what you said and I completely agree with you. I don’t have kids myself but I know what it’s like having a weight issue. I remember when I was in ninth grade. My history teacher had us all put our chairs in a circle and he went around asking everyone what they were going to do over the summer (because it was close to the end of the year). When it was my turn, and before I had a chance to answer, one of the boys in my glass decided to answer for me by saying that I was going to eat. I probably ate less than most of the people in that classroom (I often skipped lunch and almost never ate breakfast), but I usually had to make my own dinner and pasta was the easiest thing for me to make. I didn’t know then about the whole ‘carb’ thing and I just had it in my head that if I skipped meals, I’d lose weight. I was wrong.
Anyway, I hope whoever wrote that letter realizes just how wrong they were to do that and is ashamed of themselves.
People can be so cruel, and when it comes to weight, society encourages that cruelty. I’m sorry you went through that ;(
You go! This woman is awful and you are right the children who get this will be emotionally scarred for life.
I do hope it ends up being a hoax, or she changes her mind. We’ll see tomorrow, I guess.
Fantastic reply to a horrible person…..I loved it! People need to learn more manners in this world especially when it comes to dealing with kids. I applaude you and agree with you 110 percent!!!
Thank you!
I’m SO happy you wrote this. You certainly speak for me and SO many others. I was enraged when I read that letter. You’re right: that kind of tactic will scar the kids for life. It’s horrible. What I really like about your blog is that you didn’t just rant, you provided what should have been obviously to the author of this nonsense: positive alternatives to a repulsive letter.
good for you!! Thank you!
And you know what, even if this does prove to be a hoax, you still made several valid points which should serve as lessons to people even THINKING of doing these kinds of things any time of year!
Best to you all.
Thank you, Lisette. I read that it could be a hoax, but so many are in support of it, and THAT is not a hoax, sadly. And yes, while I am snarky and angry in this post, I wanted it to be useful as well. 🙂
I think this lady has a great idea! I mean, what better way to (one can hope) guarantee that your house is covered with enough eggs to feed the entire US Military. For a week. In other words, Fuck off, and drown in your own bullshit, you cock-juggling thundercunt!
LOL Fabulous insults. I’ll have to write these down and remember them! Cock-juggling thundercunt. Brilliant!
I agree with you all the way. This is rude and beyond unecessary. It only exagerates what they already know. There are so many better wats to lower obesity and candy eating on Halloween. It could actually be interesting and factual with NEW information and healthy snacks to go along with it. Also consuder other bad things that effect people’s lives because gealth isn’t it all. But is she still doing this tonight and what are the letter recievers doing about it?
Well put lady…well put :0) I hope she didn’t pass out those letters b/c you are ABSOLUTELY right!
Well said!
Does she honestly think that those kids will not remember what house they got that letter from? Because they will. If they are anything like my kids, they will know EXACTLY which house/person gave them that letter. How dare she! Who the hell does she think she is??? My children hardly ever have candy/sweets because I am diabetic and they are a BIG temptation for me. They love ToT because they get to have a mound of candy. And they eat it as slowly as possible because they want to make it last as long as they can. People, like this woman, are causing the eating disorders and self esteem issues. Shame, shame, shame on her!!!
Did the person who wrote this get to read your reply Kim?
I have no idea. Probably not. There’s a high chance it was a hoax, but the real outrage is how many people actively supported what she intended to do. So hoax or not, there’s a real issue here in the mindset that needs to change.
I have to say I agree wholeheartedly with your response Kim. if I were to receive a letter like that in my child’s candy bag nothing would stop me from tracking a bitch down and given her a serious but whoopin!
Or I’d make sure my kids (myself too) would egg her house something fierce!
I did learn something from your response. I had always wondered what (sic) meant when I saw it in newspaper and magazine articles.
It’s quite obvious my grammar and punctuation need some serious work too. lolz
I believe if someone truly feels that our children need to be healthy they should find alternatives for Halloween trick or treating.
Such as the toys you handed out, healthy snacks, stickers, coloring books & crayons, gift certificates for free ice cream cones from McDonald’s, etc. etc.
Those free ice cream cones from McDonald’s were always my favorite trick-or-treat gifts. To be honest I’d rather have my kid receive one of those Than eat an entire snickers bar. I believe that the McDonald’s small ice cream cone may be a little bit healthier as far as sweet treats are concerned.
maybe they are not healthier maybe I just want them to be healthier because I love them so much.
it’s funny even on the TV shows discussing this letter they are cracking jokes about how bad her grammar and punctuation were.
I believe your response to this letter should be the one they are reading and discussing on air ,in the newspapers, magazines,online, etc.
For anyone who thinks this was a good idea for even a millisecond, I have one thing to say:
On the way home from the dentist one warm September afternoon, my dad told me he wasn’t going to pay for braces or any of the recommended treatments because (and I quote) “You’re not going to be a model or anything anyway. There’s no point in wasting the money.” He said it with the absolute best of intentions and love, but the intentions didn’t overshadow the point. I was 12 years’ old.
Two decades later and I remember it every morning when I look in the bathroom mirror.
Wow – I am in shock! How can people be so mean and/or clueless? I agree with you 100% what a horrible horrible woman. As someone who’s struggled with her weight her whole life I can only imagine the impact something like that would have had on me as a child. As a kid I was already feeling so self conscious and frustrated about why I couldn’t eat what my friends ate because I was gaining weight when they didn’t (later we discovered I had a metabolic disorder). And Halloween would have easily been one of those moments where I was feeling that difference – being bigger means you don’t have the same selection of costumes as the thin kids – so if I were out there having a blast, only to get a note like that, it would have been severely scarring. And you’re right – kids would grow up never forgetting that, especially since it couldn’t be dismissed by the typical “kids say mean things because they’re insecure too” motto – this is an adult! She’s supposed to be someone who’s above that! Ok, I clearly could rant along with you for a while LOL but really really great post!
Good Lord! What a letter! The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. I’m sure the author of the original letter thought they had a good idea but their presentation in messed up! You’re open latter is bang on. Kids are mean to each other. Adults are supposed to be the ones who are smart, fair, and protect kids, not attack them viciously.
I have a cousin who is young and moderately obese. If anyone gave him a letter like that we would have to have words with him or her. That’s just wrong!