
Forbidden Secrets & More of What You Love!

Fans of Forbidden Mind, I have exciting news. You have spoken and I have listened. You wanted more in Forbidden Mind. More of the school, more Sam, and more Drake. So I've rewritten Forbidden Mind with more of everything you loved in the original. This new version is nearly twice as long and will be [...]

Forbidden Secrets & More of What You Love!2021-11-15T20:58:58+00:00

12 eBooks To Entertain You for Hours – A 3-Day Event from Evolved Publishing!

As many of you know, I'm signed with Evolved Publishing as my publisher, and I'm also their Marketing Director. This week they are doing an awesome promotion where you can get all of my books, (Forbidden Mind, Forbidden Fire, Lexie World and Bella World), plus 8 more awesome reads on SALE! Here's the deal! Evolved [...]

12 eBooks To Entertain You for Hours – A 3-Day Event from Evolved Publishing!2021-11-15T20:58:59+00:00

Turns out, I'm not Super Woman, just Human, and that has to be okay.

It's true. What a serious let-down to realize I can't do all of it, all the time, giving 110% full time. Well, I can try, but here's what happens. First, I get derailed by a week of intense carpal tunnel pain in my right hand, to the point where 2 minutes of typing is unendurable! [...]

Turns out, I'm not Super Woman, just Human, and that has to be okay.2021-11-15T20:58:59+00:00

What happens when a witch and a cat god meet? Find out!

I'm excited to reveal the cover for my next series. As many of you know, the Forbidden Trilogy will be complete as of June 26th, and I have a new book coming out October 2, 2012. This is it, with it's new, fancy cover! Some of you may remember this book from last fall, before [...]

What happens when a witch and a cat god meet? Find out!2021-11-15T20:58:59+00:00

My 2 Week Social Media Sabbatical or Why I'm Not Online!

I've decided to unplug as much as possible from the internet and social media for the next two weeks. So as not to alarm anyone (I'm not dead, don't send the Calvary), and because I like to imagine that people would in fact be worried if I just disappeared, I'm letting you all [...]

My 2 Week Social Media Sabbatical or Why I'm Not Online!2021-11-15T20:58:59+00:00

The Kiss of Life, a serial novel-Chapter 2-Clashing Fates

Forgive me for being off schedule with a post that should have gone out last Friday. Last week I had more mommy duties than usual and got behind on everything. Also, I'm thinking about changing the day I post each new chapter. Friday isn't very popular. Would you rather see new chapters on Tue., Wed. [...]

The Kiss of Life, a serial novel-Chapter 2-Clashing Fates2021-11-15T20:58:59+00:00

It's MY birthday but I'm giving YOU presents!

My birthday is just around the corner… April 29th, to be exact. I’ll be… erm… 23. Again. Moving on. I wanted to do something special for my birthday, something to say thank you to all my awesome and loyal friends and fans! So, I’ve decided to do a major deal and giveaway! For starters, on [...]

It's MY birthday but I'm giving YOU presents!2021-11-15T20:59:00+00:00

A Movie About Second Chances Made Into A Book!

Today I'd like to welcome to my blog, Don Handfield, , author of Touchback, screenwriter and director of Touchback the major motion picture. Get Touchback the novel FREE on Amazon, today only here. *** About Touchback ** NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE ** WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU GOT A SECOND CHANCE? When Scott Murphy [...]

A Movie About Second Chances Made Into A Book!2021-11-15T20:59:00+00:00
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