
What Fall Does

We'd like to share a few poems for you today, written by our 11-year-old daughter, Maddie Karpov-Kinrade. You might remember her as the author of the short story Twins Forever. Granted, we are her parents and inherently biased toward her brilliance, but we found these poems evocative of our favorite season. Fall. What Fall Does [...]

What Fall Does2021-11-15T20:58:27+00:00

Are you ready for a new kind of heroine?

All week we’ve talked about the antihero and how it relates to women and the representations of women in literature, film, television and media. We’ve teamed up with Anne Chaconas (ABC) to provide four days of back and forth blog posts on our thoughts on this. Need to catch up? Scroll to the bottom for [...]

Are you ready for a new kind of heroine?2021-11-15T20:58:28+00:00

Our Heroes Have Fallen: We Need an Antihero

[box style="quote"]Well-behaved women seldom make history… ~Laurel Thatcher Ulrich[/box] If you've stuck around this whole week, then you know that we have teamed up with Anne Chaconas (ABC) to do a series of posts and replies talking about antiheroes in literature and film, specifically the role (or lack thereof) of the female antihero, leading up [...]

Our Heroes Have Fallen: We Need an Antihero2021-11-15T20:58:28+00:00

Why Women Need To Be More Than The Madonna or the Whore

With the focus this week on antiheroes, and specifically female antiheroes and the portrayal of women in fiction, it got me thinking about why it's so important for us to have a range of female characters in books, television and movies. Even villains and antiheroes. Even female characters we really don't want to be anything [...]

Why Women Need To Be More Than The Madonna or the Whore2021-11-15T20:58:28+00:00

Success: It's Not Just For Men

As a girl, you can climb a mountain, but only if you look sexy doing it. And DO NOT emote. It will make you ugly, thereby invalidating all other contributions you might make to humanity. Growing up I wanted to be a boy. Scratch that. I didn't want to be a boy so [...]

Success: It's Not Just For Men2021-11-15T20:58:29+00:00

Let's hear it for the anti-hero!

Who doesn't love the bad boy? They are often the most interesting characters. Most of us grew up rooting for the 'good guy.' Cheering on the hero. Imagining ourselves in the role of saving the world and defeating (or riding) the dragon! But the bad boy (or girl) is equally worthy of our time and [...]

Let's hear it for the anti-hero!2021-11-15T20:58:29+00:00

In Defense of Profanity: Why Words Aren't Bad

See? These people understand that one MUST horseback ride in Nova Scotia. It's LAW. I LOVE words. Seriously, they are some of my favorite things in the universe. If I was singing a 'favorite things' song, words would be right there under my family and dearest friends and totally above even chocolate. Probably. [...]

In Defense of Profanity: Why Words Aren't Bad2021-11-15T20:58:30+00:00
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