January 2014
Write Fan Fiction for MONEY!
As some of you may know, we took this last week off of social media to focus on writing and family stuff, and it was a nice break. And now, WE'RE BACK with more ideas [...]
The WeeKKend Recap!
Another week has come and gone. And what a week it was! Let’s go over all the awesomeness the past week contained (and a few things that it didn’t) in today’s WeeKKend Recap! […]
The WeeKKend Recap!
Another week has come and gone. And what a week it was! Let’s go over all the awesomeness the past week contained (and a few things that it didn’t) in today’s WeeKKend Recap! […]
Help us help you: Calling all writers and readers!
FOR WRITERS How people wrote books before computers. I can't even imagine. Today I'd like to introduce you to Beverly Kendall, an author with a mission to understand the truth of what's selling [...]
The WeeKKend Recap!
Another week has come and gone. And what a week it was! Let’s go over all the awesomeness the past week contained (and a few things that it didn’t) in today’s WeeKKend Recap! […]
December 2013
Our New Year's Wish For You: Live Outrageously
If we have learned nothing else this year, and in the years leading up to this one, it is to take leaps of faith and live outrageously. Sometimes you'll fall on your face. Sometimes you'll [...]