November 2013
Are you ready for a new kind of heroine?
All week we’ve talked about the antihero and how it relates to women and the representations of women in literature, film, television and media. We’ve teamed up with Anne Chaconas (ABC) to provide four days [...]
Our Heroes Have Fallen: We Need an Antihero
[box style="quote"]Well-behaved women seldom make history… ~Laurel Thatcher Ulrich[/box] If you've stuck around this whole week, then you know that we have teamed up with Anne Chaconas (ABC) to do a series of posts and [...]
Why Women Need To Be More Than The Madonna or the Whore
With the focus this week on antiheroes, and specifically female antiheroes and the portrayal of women in fiction, it got me thinking about why it's so important for us to have a range of female [...]
Success: It's Not Just For Men
As a girl, you can climb a mountain, but only if you look sexy doing it. And DO NOT emote. It will make you ugly, thereby invalidating all other contributions you might make to [...]
Let's hear it for the anti-hero!
Who doesn't love the bad boy? They are often the most interesting characters. Most of us grew up rooting for the 'good guy.' Cheering on the hero. Imagining ourselves in the role of saving the [...]
The WeeKKend Recap
Another week has come and gone. And what a week it’s been! Let’s go over all the awesomeness this week contained (and a few things that it didn’t) in our inaugural WeeKKend Recap! […]