November 2013
In Defense of Profanity: Why Words Aren't Bad
See? These people understand that one MUST horseback ride in Nova Scotia. It's LAW. I LOVE words. Seriously, they are some of my favorite things in the universe. If I was singing a [...]
Allegories of the Tarot: A Must READ!
Get the Allegories of the Tarot Anthology in on Amazon and Smashwords. Add the Allegories of the Tarot Anthology to your Goodreads to-read shelf! Swing by the Allegories of the Tarot Facebook page and enter [...]
When the Heart Falls cover reveal and giveaway!
See the Tour stops at the bottom Best-Selling Author Team Karpov Kinrade has changed the face of their books as well as their readers experience When the Heart Falls (Formerly Kiss Me In Paris), is [...]
Kraken: The Last Day of A Gathering of Horror 5 FREE short scary stories
It’s Day 5, the final day of A Gathering of Horror and Dmytry Karpov has a short story for you today, Kraken. Read, comment and enjoy the free stories this week. Don’t forget to check back here [...]
The Nothing: A week of FREE short scary stories
It's Day 4 of A Gathering of Horror and Kimberly Kinrade has a short story for you from her collection, Bits of You & Pieces of Me. This is a haunting tale of how one can [...]
October 2013
An Open Letter to the woman handing out 'fat letters' to trick-or-treaters
Dear Cheryl, That's your name, according to this article, though you refuse to give your last name. I don't blame you. If I was going to do such a douchebag thing as give out fat-shaming, [...]