July 2012
Get into the mind of a serial killer… and get $50
What makes a good book? Something so addicting you just can't put down? For me, it's a combination of characters, engaging plot and strong prose. Forgive Me, Alex by Lane Diamond has all of this [...]
How Kimberly Turned Me Into a Paranormal Fan: A guest post from a self-proclaimed fan girl
Today I'm so excited to introduce the very dear and awesome, Erin Lindsey of Hooks and Books review blog. I love this lady, and no, not just because she says I made a fan-girl out [...]
A weekly podcast: Forbidden Mind: Chapter 2 and 3: YA Paranormal Romance/Thriller
Think X-Men meets Dollhouse, if Professor X had been an evil human trafficking geneticist. I’m posting weekly podcasts of Forbidden Mind, my award-winning YA paranormal novel. Here’s chapter 2 & 3. If you enjoy, please [...]
A weekly podcast: Forbidden Mind: Chapter 1: YA Paranormal Romance/Thriller
Think X-Men meets Dollhouse, if Professor X had been an evil human trafficking geneticist. I'm posting weekly podcasts of Forbidden Mind, my award-winning YA paranormal novel. Here's chapter 1. If you enjoy, please share!
Down with the Garbage Goblins!
Lexie World is all about caring for the environment, from the perspective of a 5 year old girl and her two big sisters. Given that I based this book on the imagination of my own [...]
5 Don'ts of Getting Married (plus, the Writing In Love Epic Love Story Video)
As you may have heard, Dmytry Karpov and I got married on Monday, July 2nd. In a small ceremony with just a few very close friends, we committed our lives to each other and to [...]