July 2012
What Worked and What Didn't in the New Spider-Man Movie
Who doesn't love a great superhero story? I'm a big fan, after all, the Forbidden Mind series, while a paranormal romance/thriller, can also be described as a super hero series with an X-Men flavor. So [...]
June 2012
Creating a Magic System with Real Magic! (Also, who wants $100?)
Please welcome Andy Gavin to my blog today! He's a dear friend and amazing author of The Darkening Dream. He's also the creator of the popular video games, Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter. Today, [...]
An audio teaser of Forbidden Mind
In celebration of the re-launch of Forbidden Mind, which is now twice as long with new twists and turns and more of everything you loved, I'm doing some fun promotional stuff this week. Yesterday, Sam [...]
Tell Me No Secrets (Would you really want to read your lover's mind?)
In celebration of the re-launch of Forbidden Mind, which is now twice as long with new twists and turns and more of everything you loved, Sam and Drake have agreed to do a guest post [...]
Confessions of a Splintered Heart (Our Epic Love Story)
In September 2010, before Dmytry and I had ever met in person, we fell in love, and I opened my heart to him completely. It wasn't easy for me. As anyone who's read my Unbreakable [...]
When it's okay to stalk an author…
Ever had an author you loved so much that if you could, you'd stand outside their house at night with binoculars watching them read? No? Is that just me? Okay well, you still [...]