
May 2012

What happens when a witch and a cat god meet? Find out!

By |May 15th, 2012|Categories: Blog, Fiction|

I'm excited to reveal the cover for my next series. As many of you know, the Forbidden Trilogy will be complete as of June 26th, and I have a new book coming out October 2, [...]

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My 2 Week Social Media Sabbatical or Why I'm Not Online!

By |May 8th, 2012|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

I've decided to unplug as much as possible from the internet and social media for the next two weeks. So as not to alarm anyone (I'm not dead, don't send the Calvary), and [...]

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April 2012

The Kiss of Life, a serial novel-Chapter 2-Clashing Fates

By |April 24th, 2012|Categories: Blog, The Kiss of Life-a Serial Novel|

Forgive me for being off schedule with a post that should have gone out last Friday. Last week I had more mommy duties than usual and got behind on everything. Also, I'm thinking about changing [...]

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