October 2010
Share a Shiver for All Hallow's Read
'Tis true. The rantings and ravings and rumors. Not just of madmen. THE Neil Gaiman has brilliantly proposed a new Halloween holiday tradition. One I love more than fireworks on the 4th and eye patches [...]
The Chicken Nuggets Must Live!
The Making of a Revolutionary When my oldest daughter was 2 and first learned the sad hard truth of the chicken nugget, she formed a revolt. “The Chicken Nuggets Must Live!” she shouted, tiny fist [...]
My CyberMess
Out of ControlIf you ever saw Stephen King’s miniseries, “Rose Red” then you know what my cyber life has been like to date: a monstrous house somehow built, somehow added on to in a way [...]
The Tale of Two Women
This is the story of two women, as the title implies. The consequences of paths chosen. The final form of experiences that shape us. A Life LostA woman once lived who born many sorrows. Scars [...]
February 2010
The Minute
The other day while cleaning my room, I found the most unusual thing. A minute – curled up under the bed. I thought it was dead, so I nudged it a bit, and then stood [...]