Our readers mean the world to us, which is why we started the KK Minion Army (a name our most loyal of fans chose!) In our Army, you get exclusive access to us, early opportunities to beta or review our books, exclusive giveaways of signed books, swag and gifts every month and so much more!
There are a lot of ways you can engage with us. We’re active on our Facebook fan page and Twitter and of course here on our website, but if you want a more intimate experience and want to help spread the word about our books, come join us in our private KK Minion Army Facebook Group!
All we ask is that you help share the books you love most with your friends and family (and random stranger you might meet on the street, and any literate pets you might happen upon… ) For that, we will reward you with literary riches! (In the form of words, of course!)
Are you a writer who loves the worlds we’ve created? Do you have a story to tell about the Forbidden kids or in the steamy world of Seduced? Would you like to write something in Paris with When the Heart Falls, or tell new tales in any of the future books and worlds we create?
We welcome fan fiction of all kinds, and we’ve created a KK Minion Fan Fiction Facebook group where you can share your fan fiction with other fans and get feedback and insight. What’s more, we will be checking in on that group from time to time, and if we come across a story that moves us, we might just contact you about giving you rights to publish it for money! (*You would be responsible for publishing it, and we would have no claim to any money made from your profits. The rights are simply us giving permission for you to legally publish in our worlds for profit. The only stipulation is that you credit us as creators of the source material.)
How does this work? Well, first we’ll be looking for well-written, well-edited stories in our worlds.
Second, we’ll likely be conscious of stories that don’t overlap too closely to something we might be working on for the future (which is hard to judge for you, we know, but this is highly subjective.)
Finally, if we love what you’ve written, we’ll contact you and offer you a contract for you to self-publish your story anywhere you’d like, for any amount, as long as you give us due credit as creators of the source material and world.
You can join the group here. We look forward to seeing what you come up with!