
An audio teaser of Forbidden Mind

In celebration of the re-launch of Forbidden Mind, which is now twice as long with new twists and turns and more of everything you loved, I'm doing some fun promotional stuff this week. Yesterday, Sam and Drake did a guest post on love, relationships, and surviving an evil child trafficking organization that preys on teens [...]

An audio teaser of Forbidden Mind2021-11-15T20:58:57+00:00

HUNGER GAMES: District Indie-I'm Team Drake

As part of the YA Indie Carnival this week, we are writing about characters from our books who would be the ultimate competitors in the HUNGER GAMES. This one is so easy, it's almost embarrassing. Drake, from the Forbidden Trilogy, would obviously kick major butt in The Hunger Games, especially if Sam's life were on [...]

HUNGER GAMES: District Indie-I'm Team Drake2021-11-15T20:59:06+00:00
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