Forbidden Life

My 2 Week Social Media Sabbatical or Why I'm Not Online!

I've decided to unplug as much as possible from the internet and social media for the next two weeks. So as not to alarm anyone (I'm not dead, don't send the Calvary), and because I like to imagine that people would in fact be worried if I just disappeared, I'm letting you all [...]

My 2 Week Social Media Sabbatical or Why I'm Not Online!2021-11-15T20:58:59+00:00

Harry Potter Broke Amazon, but The Day Still ROCKED!

Okay, I don't actually have any proof that Harry Potter broke Amazon yesterday, but it was a pretty dramatic day over all. Evolved Publishing planned a BIG promotional event for March 27th, 2012. They planned to give away, for FREE, 9 books and 3 short stories, including two of my books: Forbidden Mind and Lexie [...]

Harry Potter Broke Amazon, but The Day Still ROCKED!2021-11-15T20:59:05+00:00

HUNGER GAMES: District Indie-I'm Team Drake

As part of the YA Indie Carnival this week, we are writing about characters from our books who would be the ultimate competitors in the HUNGER GAMES. This one is so easy, it's almost embarrassing. Drake, from the Forbidden Trilogy, would obviously kick major butt in The Hunger Games, especially if Sam's life were on [...]

HUNGER GAMES: District Indie-I'm Team Drake2021-11-15T20:59:06+00:00
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