guest post

Why I Write Young Adult Fiction-a guest post by Eleanor Beaty

I'm very excited to welcome to my blog today Eleanor Beaty, author of Veiled Mist and a fellow YA author. Take a moment to read about why she writes YA, and enter her giveaway :) *** Why I Write Young Adult Fiction by Eleanor Beaty The term Young Adult in my mind is connected to [...]

Why I Write Young Adult Fiction-a guest post by Eleanor Beaty2021-11-15T20:58:47+00:00

How Kimberly Turned Me Into a Paranormal Fan: A guest post from a self-proclaimed fan girl

Today I'm so excited to introduce the very dear and awesome, Erin Lindsey of Hooks and Books review blog. I love this lady, and no, not just because she says I made a fan-girl out of her with my books! (But that totally didn't hurt our relationship any.) *** Hi guys, I'm Erin, the writer [...]

How Kimberly Turned Me Into a Paranormal Fan: A guest post from a self-proclaimed fan girl2021-11-15T20:58:55+00:00
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