psychological thriller

"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?"

Yesterday, I introduced you to the steamy romance of Amelia James and her book, Tell Me You Want Me. Today for the Evolved Publishing Blog Hop & Giveaway, we delve into the heart of evil with Lane Diamond's riveting psychological thriller, Forgive Me, Alex. Lane is not only an exceptional author, but he's also my [...]

"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?"2021-11-15T20:58:50+00:00

Get into the mind of a serial killer… and get $50

What makes a good book? Something so addicting you just can't put down? For me, it's a combination of characters, engaging plot and strong prose. Forgive Me, Alex by Lane Diamond has all of this and more--and is currently touring with Novel Publicity with major prizes! My mini review: Lane Diamond has hit a home [...]

Get into the mind of a serial killer… and get $502021-11-15T20:58:55+00:00
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