vampire books

Silver Flame (Vampire Girl 3) Chapters 1&2 Sneak Peek

So many of you enjoyed getting Chapter 1 of Vampire Girl 3: Silver Flame, that we wanted to throw Chapter 2 out to you. I know it's a bittersweet kind of torture. And I promise, we are getting this book out to you as fast as we can. Stay tuned. We know you guys have [...]

Silver Flame (Vampire Girl 3) Chapters 1&2 Sneak Peek2021-11-15T20:58:06+00:00

Are vampires dead? And why are we giving away so much stuff? ANSWERS HERE! #VampireGirl

In case you missed the emails, Facebook posts, live Facebook events, Instagram feeds, Twitter tweets and YouTube trailer, THIS IS LAUNCH WEEK for our new book/series Vampire Girl! To say we are excited about this new series would be a HUGE understatement. And we've been celebrating hard. With SO MANY GIVEAWAYS I can't even with all [...]

Are vampires dead? And why are we giving away so much stuff? ANSWERS HERE! #VampireGirl2021-11-15T20:58:06+00:00
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