We live in a world of bombs and blessings. Of pain and pleasure. Of terror and joy.
We live in a world where people can cut each other’s hearts out, and we live in a world where people can give everything they have to save a stranger.
Sometimes I don’t know how to hold both versions of this world in my hands.
Sometimes I don’t know how to live in a world where both the worst of humanity and the best of humanity can coexist.
Two weeks ago, our family suffered a painful experience at the hands of someone we thought was safe. The next day, we took our children to see the movie The Croods, about a cave family whose patriarch kept them in darkness and fear for their own safety.
When the teenage daughter meets a boy who follows the light to ‘ride the sun to Tomorrow’, the whole family begins to question their lifestyle. Sure, it’s kept them safe, but at what cost?
It was a lesson I needed then, and one I need again today, in light of the recent tragic bombings in Boston.
It’s tempting to hide in the cave in the dark, cowering in fear of a world full of danger.
It’s tempting to want to lock our children in their rooms and never let them leave, because when they leave our arms they are at risk.
People can hurt them.
Bombs explode.
People make bad, horrible, unforgivable choices.
And yet, that is just the shadow side of humanity. The dark side.
And when it’s darkest, that is when the light shines brightest.
I’ve read accounts of what happened in Boston today, and while I don’t know a lot about what happened or why, I know this:
People rallied to help, running TOWARD danger.
People gave away coats to the runners, money to those who needed it, their cell phones to those trying to reach family and friends.
Strangers held hands.
The good, beautiful, courageous side of humanity shone bright through the hazy smoke-filled streets.
And two weeks ago I learned something else important. I’ve raised my kids to be strong, to stand up for themselves and protect themselves. I’ve raised them to come to me when something bad happens.
And because of that, I haven’t raised victims. I’ve raised strong girls who aren’t afraid to live in the light and follow the sun to Tomorrow.
I don’t know if Tomorrow will be better than Today, but I know that living in the light is better than living in the darkness.
I know that the brightest parts of humanity cannot be killed off by the shadows lurking in the corners of life.
I know that the people of Boston are strong, that the people in this country are strong, and that worldwide, humans have something rare and precious and worth fighting for.
We have love.
We have light.
We have hope.
May we never lose that.
My heart goes out to those injured today, and the friends and family of those who lost their lives.
I feel like someone has completely drained me, but I know if someone is helping (and today, there were so many helpers)… there is still hope, light, and love.
Well said! As parents it is so difficult that you can’t protect your kids from everything.